Ladies and gentlemen, hobos and tramps, Cross-eyed mosquitoes and bowlegged ants; I'm here before you to stand behind you To tell you something I know nothing about... Next Thursday, which is Good Friday There's a women's meeting for men only. Free admission, pay at the door, Pull up a chair and sit on the floor. It's a long crawl back to the garden So get me off my hands and knees 'Cause the church keeps spittin' me out Now we all know where they're comin' from... We just don't know where they're goin'. I am a Christian; I am a Buddha; Hari Krishna, I am a Jew. I am Satan, have Zen within me; I have Jesus. I am human. We got the same guy every time In a brand new clever disguise So before you go and make up your mind... If Christ came knocking on your door, Dressed up like the devil, would ya let him in? Would ya let him in, Would ya let him in, Would ya let him in? I am a Christian; I am a Buddha; Hari Krishna, I am a Jew. I am Satan, have Zen within me; I have Jesus, I am human. I am Hindu, I am Sheikh; I am Muslim, I'm an Atheist. I have Satan, I am Christian; I am Buddha, I am human, human, I am human I hope this ain't the wrong direction 'Cause it all feels exactly the same And it's gonna getcha where you're going So enjoy the ride and don't get hooked; They're all the same temptations. I am a Christian; I am a Buddha; Hari Krishna, I am a Jew. I am Satan, have Zen within me; I have Jesus, I am human. I am Hindu, I am Sheikh; I am Muslim, I'm an Atheist. I have Satan, I am Christian; I am Buddha, I am human, human, I am human I am human, human, human, human.