Mist of the night Fornever to breathe into dark Solate to this Immence valour within the dead Setting the lunar dawn Acrimonic desecrate beneath Daze into this clowdy path That no start to mortals had know Darkness ride Into nebular ash Smoke of despair Teaches left and right Anxiety fed into panic Freezes this will to live Reaching without moving This nebular trance of the dead Inside light That burns and draws illusion Lie to the eyes of the world Mocking and hiding the light To this fools No soul and no voice Loss to this path and honor to the void Those who swallow truth And vision of ages of times never known Pasion to death And to walk this clowdy dark ride thee nebulah Immence clowdy scalb Mist of the night Fornever to breathe into dark Solate to this Immence valour within the dead