For all the crimes you try to pin on me. I'm built to last now you fucking see It's not a game i'm here to stay And now you now my fucking name. Built to last and down for life All the years you tried to put me down With no avail you still wont let it be I'm a man with convictions Not a feeble minded fool I'm built to last Not one of your sheep. You think you can break me You think i'd be silent Push my back to the wall And reactions are violent I'm here till the end My will you can't break I'm down for the long term There's too much at stake Ulterior motives drive you in building your case It's reverse discrimination 'cause it's all built on race You pulled the curtain down over their eyes they can't see It may have worked on them but not on me. Chorus For all the crimes you tried to pin on me Built to last and down for life I'm built to last now you fucking see Built to last and down for life It's not a game im game i'm here to stay Built to last and down for life And now you know my fucking name… Built to last and down for life I've been put to the test And i've always stayed true You always done your best But your best just wont do I'm disciplined, determined, defiant at best Rise above you all and rise above the rest I laughed at your tactics i laughed at your games When the shit comes back around You're the only one to blame 'cause you're never holding up You'll never last in the fight We're built to last and were Down for life Chorus