
Ez 2.b.


I thought this was suppose to be about open minds and unity 
Not alienation, separation or who is more pc 
You people pointing fingers, judging others need to realize 
To each their own, get off your soapbox thrown 
Who are you to criticise? 

And it's so easy to be anti, close your mind up tight 
And you walk around the world 
Thinking everything you know is right 
It's so easy to protest and so hard to fucking give 
No one person has the answers, there's no one way to live 

Nobody's better than no one else, straight edge or what you eat 
Stand up for what you think is right, you don't have to be elite 
Think of all you're missing when your on that narrow road 
Do you really believe or is it just what you've been told 

Stand up for what you think is right, but who are you to criticise 
Your narrow mind has left you in a moral state of imaginary grace 
Your cause has lost it's taste 
And now you're gone 
Just like that you're gone...and you're never coming back!!! 

And it's so easy to be anti, close your mind up tight 
And you walk around the world 
Thinking everything you know is right 
It's so easy to protest and so hard to fuckin give No one person has the answers, there's no one way to live