You see me on the street, there is no need to explain I'm not what you think I am, I'm just like you but with tattoos! Cause I wear my heart on my sleeve my appearance may be deceiving it doesn't matter what you think because the truth is in me! This is the life I chose this is the only thing I know so don't pass judgement on me! The places that I've been forever written on my skin so don't pass judgement on me! You see me walking down the street and you grab your kids and cross the other side looking me like i'm a fucking criminal a degenerate lowlife you got me all wrong! Cause I wear my heart on my sleeve my appearance may be deceiving it doesn't matter what you think Because the truth is in me! This is the life I chose this is the only thing I know so don't pass judgement on me! The places that I've been forever written on my skin so don't pass judgement on me! You know you can't judge a book by it's cover you know you got me all wrong and I know my appearance may be deceiving but I feel… I-FEEL-IT-ALL SO DON'T PASS JUDGEMENT ON ME! This is the life I chose this is the only thing I know so don't pass judgement on me! The places that I've been forever written on my skin so don't pass judgement on me! It doesn't matter what you think because the truth is in me!