All metrics, all measures All used for the next trials Full! full! Candidates are looming Where the previous have fell Six cups, five mugs Four tankards to empty Fast! fast! Afterwards try not to shake Your entire skull All metrics, all measures All filled for the next trials Full! full! Beware don't slip On this grog-wet ground Three bottles, two jugs One keg to empty Fast! fast! Beerzerker is chosen by a tight criteria Oh, beerzerker! Oh, beerzerker! Supreme elites of the boozer's part Vicious drainers of fine ale Display with pride an enormous paunch, Always avid for more Display with pride an enormous paunch, Always avid for more Zealous maids run to refill Labour sweat drops show it well From the forehead to the neck They travel towards their breasts Inside this thronged hall Stands out a distinct melody Charming, loud, grotesque belches Such exquisite symphony From the start straight to the end Many laughs this night have shared With dull eyes we gaze in wonder To those who barely still stand Farewell brave beerzerkers You've endured your trials bravely We shall now rest and prepare For the next time we'll be there