Ages ago a secret was lost The true tale of the Shapeshifter How he escaped everlasting prison … How he baffled all other gods So he could return to Midgard, Before the end of time -- Ragnarok! Muspel merged With the energy of Niflheim Thus, life was created… Among the gods that were created There was Loki, brother of Odhinn Better known as the Trickster His desire was to rule all Asgard Bend every will to his own Deception guided Loki's steps… As none of the Asa gods would listen, And none would follow his path… Unable to convince a single soul Vengeance tainted every upcoming deed Then another chapter began, As the creations of Gods Were utterly destroyed Even capable of shape shifting, Loki was finally caught… And promptly imprisoned Aside of his son-wolf Fenrir In a remote island, the Gulf of Black Grief He was shackled for eternity, A prison to last until Ragnarok Satisfied, the Gods have returned Underestimating his cleverness… Through the mind of Fenrir, He command the Jotuns To bring his salvation. Giants invaded Asgard in a frenzy battle Capturing the necklace of Brigantia Surprised, Gods were slow to react As the chase begun, The necklace achieved it's destiny Drawing the power, Trickster was freed And returned to Midgard… This way the balance Was level once again Evil and good shared The same opportunities