Poison the well Desecrate the host Drain the child Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha Ritual murder Ancient lies recycled Adrenochrome Is blood libel This is blood This is blood This is blood Blood libel Conspire to rule Murder God himself Men have always conjured ghouls To blame someone else Where darkness lurks Conspiracy condemns Lies do the work Making demons of men This is blood This is blood This is blood Blood libel Fools It was gwar all along We drink the blood of children But not to stay young We juice them like lemons Just because it's fun 3:00 in the morning Let the orgy begin Let's order cheese pizza For all our fucked up friends You know sometimes The truth fucking hurts If there's a baby raping ring It's the catholic church This is blood This is blood This is blood Blood libel This is blood This is blood This is blood Blood libel