The halls of our keep rock with ruin and war The walls cry and crumble, Broken the sword. The tombs and the tomes. The world´s honeycombed. We must possess the underearth. Down, down, down Toll the bell, we´re going to hell! Here we seek the fruit of creation. Bloodstained wine. It sweetens our time Here we seek the final salvation Go to hell! I´m headed to the promised land Swam boiling surf, trod bloody bloody sand As pissed-off pilgrims we´ll travel below And seek the finest filth that hell can bestow A realm of madness, the cringing of queens A realization, the crushing of dreams The worm-gnawed fruit of all your pretty schemes Between heaven and hell all is not what it seems From what I´ve heard it´s a pretty cool place A sea of urine where rats eat your face A sadist like me can pursue his vocation I´m goin´to hell because I need a vacation We´re gonna go to hell! Toll the bell, we´re goin´to hell! Here we see the fruit of creation Writing in slime. Blood sweetens our time Here we seek our final salvation The lies they told you Laid the foundation for this place The book that they sold you Worship this god but do not look at his face Beneath our keep the tunnels run so deep To reclaim our right. We retreat from this fight And enter now the land of the dead Toll the bell! We´re going to hell! Here we seek the fruit of creation Blood-stained wine. It sweetens our time Here we seek the final salvation Is this what you fear? That the sum of your life will leave you here? Or do you think when you die you are done? The pain of your death has only just begun I´m headed now to join the damned Into the oven the dead souls are jammed We come for the master, the king of the cruel This is the place where it is better to rule You´re seeking heaven but you´re not allowed in Your soul is falling and you never can win The game is fixed but there´s no one to blame Heaven and hell? They are one in the same All abandon... Abandon all your hope, ye who enter here And you can go to hell!