


Baby Dick Fuck 
Baby Dick Fuck 
Take your fat tongue! 
And curl it into a 'U', 
You take and unborn child who knows not what you do 
Baby Dick Fuck 
Baby Dick Fuck 
Baby Dick Fuck - 
Baby Dick Fuck - 
Baby dick Fuck 
Baby Dick Suck 
Baby Dick Fuck 
Baby Dick Fuck 
There's no excuse, give him the goose 
With a push and then a shove 
Teach that child how grown-ups love 
Fuck Fuck Suck Suck Fuck Fuck 
I haunt the malls and the 
Burger Kings I am the giver of pain
Splitting the rumps of the wicked 
Only the nipples remain [x2]
The cherub screams "NO" as I move to defile 
Our bodies entwine in a puddle of bile 
Many years later we'll look back and smile 
As we thrash about on the urine-drenched tile 
The delivery room is as still as a tomb 
I fuck the child while its still in your womb 
The child is now dead and you start to blubber 
Fuck your warm corpse with your child as a rubber 
Take your fat tongue, ram it up her bung 
Her face is packed with cum We've only just begun 
From your head, your eyes I pluck 
Give you savage socket fuck 
Work my wand of black obsidian 
End up like a Branch Davidian 
Baby Dick Fuck 
Baby Dick Fuck 
Baby Dick Fuck [x a lot]