Decimation of the human design Reconfiguring the pieces to a putrid piece of art Appreciated by sadistic minds and adored by its creator A gift to few that disgusts the faces of many A use of tools to reattach the limbs to the hollowed torso The stench of bile and intestinal fluid burns as the scent spreads Removing the eyes as a delicacy while the work is completed Blood pouring from the table begins to dry and turn black as rigor mortis sets in Spare parts kept in formaldahyde to preserve for another work of art To admire the hours of work he molests your cadaver Showing his adoration he ejaculates within its empty carcass This might be his masterpiece Hidden from the world to rot in his grasp One's dream is another's nightmare The urge to create by killing a creation Misunderstood mind delved in evil Art is in the eye of the beholder