(Ahhhhhhh Oh Ahhhhhhh) come around children I want to tell you a little story Come around Sit down Shut the fuck up The old man began with his hand on his working class heart I swear on my grave that my days have been damned from the start Shall I tell you my tale of woe Let me sing before my days go It's a story of love and the darkness that drove it apart My love song begins with the sins I'm compelled to confess Maintaining deceit is a feit that I need to undress It's not gold or silver I stole Nor slanderous lies that I told These hands of mine held the same body they bludgeoned to death I was born like a thief in the streets of the traders down south In my youth any roof that was tiled sufficed as my house My only friend in this world Was a fatherless Japanese girl In summer we'd curl up and sleep in that fruit box of ours In the years that passed by she and I were like old working shoes And never a face with such grace was seen south of the blues Behind a beggar boys shield My love for her was concealed Still I prayed on the rooftops at night she'd eventually chose……….. (Ahhhhhhh Oh Ahhhhhhh) choose me be true to me………ahhgggg He lived like a lord in a northern industrial town And I understand secondhand it was love that he found In the arms of my Japanese doll They'd sleep till the church bells would toll Then they'd wake and make passionate love till the sun rolled back down Everyone knows I'm opposed to the taking of life I've always believed good and evil are husband and wife But jealousy sews deadly seeds And harvests the darkest of deeds I cut both their throats in the night with an old butchers knife ahhhggggggg I swear every word that you've heard is the terrible truth And now my young friend this song ends with the tangible proof If you still do not believe The loss for which I have grieved You'll find all the bones of my love in a box on my roof……………. Ahhhhhhh etc etc etc………..ahhhhggggg Hear my confession my only possession was born of obsession so pure…and