My heart was attacked For these swarms of bees They looked at me and asked If I really was in there If this was my real look If this was the real history book My reflection in the water beat It was like a mirror in the moonlight Every hit I felt The music was contagious me Every note, every vibration In swarms of bees I was there at all costs Looking for my queen bee In swarms of bees I was there My heart was attacked For these swarms of bees They looked at me and asked If I really was in there If this was my real look If this was the real history book I opened the page while caught fire It was a letter erased But even then I understood It was written there feelings I could feel the pain and loneliness Who lived at that time In swarms of bees I was there at his side Help search In swarms of bees I was there My heart was attacked For these swarms of bees They looked at me and asked If I really was in there If this was my real look If this was the real history book I felt his body I heard your heart In a single emotion I saw his gaze It was time to think If ireia go or would be My heart was attacked For these swarms of bees They looked at me and asked If I really was in there If this was my real look If this was the real history book My heart was attacked For these swarms of bees They looked at me and asked If I really was in there If this was my real look If this was the real history book In swarms of bees In swarms of bees I was there