[Vini] I'll be very sincere Since when did we start talking? I always wanted to see you To know you better, you know? I was feeling something very different about us I started to hold on to you But nothing conspired in favor I decided to stay in my That was just Yes, but anyway It's going to happen, we're still friends [Gui] I think we would do much more right as even friends [Vini] I can not say the same thing We did not try anything But if that's what you think, I respect [Gui] I'm really sorry, but do you really think we should get it right? We are totally different people from one another We have some similar things, but anyway, do you think it would work? [Vini] Nothing conspired in favor yet, we gave up easy I can not say anything Just had to say That you were doing me very well I do not want to say that it does not do any more I was very sad I thought a lot You're still discovering yourself I decided not to stay on top [Gui] I am happy to know That you were feeling good Talk to me But why were you sad? I made you something? But I think If it is to work out One day we will find it at a good time [Vini] Because nothing was as I imagined No, you're not to blame for anything [Gui] And what did you imagine? [Vini] I imagined good things What could happen if everything was going well Let's change the subject