Fear runs deep through your veins Guilt whose side are you on? Guilty, Spineless, Cowards, Whose side are you on? Why must we die like this? Leave our lives at your false fight Throw us in the sand we're your personal pawns Still we kill but what purpose are we fighting for? Tyrants always back our lives When there's nothing for them, no benefits for them They've exhausted our souls All for a greed based war, killing off the poor Our blood is on your hands Wipe them clean with dollar bills Beliefs are thrown away when survival is the game Death's a small expense when there's money to be made Split Empty words and double talk Split, Split, Split, Split Whose side are you on? Wasted lives with a greed based war All these lies with a greed based war Families torn with a greed based war Noone wins with a greed based war