You watched from the bottom Climbing to the top Fueling all this hatred Clearing the way For that one sacrifice for that one sacrifice for that one sacrifice make things right for that one sacrifice for that one sacrifice for that one sacrifice. Chorus: Make things right For that one sacrifice This is your last chance To make things all right For that one sacrifice.(sacrifice) They doubt your one true truth Taking hope away Struggle show your human Breaking these bonds For that one sacrifice/for that one sacrifice/for that one sacrifice/make things right/for that one sacrifice/for that one sacrifice/for that one sacrifice. (repeat chorus) One last time to spill your blood One last time to spill your blood Thoughts, talk, emotions, are worthless Rage, scream, determined, map this path We will not go, we will not, we will not go quietly We will not go quietly Unheard words, aging prayers, lets be heard Failed attempts, turning backs (repeat chorus)