From years of darkness, a mind comes awake Somehow altered to a heightened state Things he could never know are now perceived But can these visions truly be believed? Death, life and fate All within his gaze Visions beyond this plane Reveal a future warped by Hate, fear and lies So cleverly disguised Seen clear before his eyes This man must die Is this a nightmare? Or is it reality? Is this the future? Or is it destiny? A life to take, a choice to make, before it's too late One fatal shot is all that stands between mankind and fate Fate Able to see and alter destiny Kill to avoid untold brutality Seeing the dark, but searching for the light Gifted and cursed with this second sight Death, life and fate All within his gaze Visions beyond this plane Reveal a future warped by Hate, fear and lies So cleverly disguised Seen clear before his eyes This man must die Is this a nightmare? Or is it reality Is this the future? Or is it destiny? A life to take, a choice to make, before it's too late One fatal shot is all that stands between mankind and fate