[conversa] -- Hashmeer... Hashmeer! -- Oh, what ais it Blade? What is it? -- Uhh, ahh, all the kids at Eddies Are saying my bones aren't strait And that my arm... My arm looks like a garbage truck! -- Oh... Oh, he's right, Bobby McPrescott You know you... You're not eating enough of cheese, that's why You're supposed to eat something like... 1400 gallons per day or something -- I don't know Hashmeer... I'm assuming that amount of cheese would make my... Well... m... my legs swivel about! [música] I like cheese He likes cheese We like cheese Hearing aidd, taithies 23 types cheese Oh, and Frainche Itt's an okay cheese Hainds onn communicate Lexington Brown What do I hitt when I'm in town Jewelry, coffee, Chowdown Louie's Scoff at cobrait, just so the old bread Blame that shoelace if it gaitts good raitts Shoot faice, in the shortts, has a good cubed ice I like cheese He likes cheese We like cheese [conversa] Ahem... Hello boys and girls. It's a meester block owf cheese I am helping your bones to be strait And you to see goode You need to eat a lott owf me per day You can recieve me In the frozen fyoo-ed partt owf crownchies [música] Hearing aidd, taithies 23 types cheese German, Frainche Itt's an okay cheese Hainds onn communicate Lexington Brown What do I hitt when I'm in town? Jewelry, coffee, Chowdown Louie's Scoff at cobrait, just so the old bread Blame that shoelace if it gaitts shoote raitts Shoot faice, in the shortts, has a good foot lice I like cheese