


Picture yourself in the heart of it all
Where your friends are so tall
The skinniest skins and they kiss on the lips
They give others their flips

I don’t wanna
I don’t wanna
I don’t want to
I don’t want to
Separate issue:they won’t miss you when you’re gone.

You come for the comfort and stay for the cake
And the punch is still laced.
You stay in the entrance and pace like a monk
And you mope like a punk.

Now another
Now another
Now another:I could smother my new friends but they’d never know.

So picture yourself in the heart of it all
With new friends who won’t call
They’re skinny as skins and they kiss on the lips
And they grip by the hips.
Configure yourself into rave in bosch hell
Full of names you can’t spell.
Haley and michael are walking on heads
While you should be in bed.

Bratty with gin
Feels like a dream
It must’ve been