Terrified Through the complex path of reason the beast sleeps his dream of death, awaiting the stimulus created by something wicked. The rising of a strange feeling that controls yours thoughts and actions turns this dream into a infernal reality. Now the beast is awakened and ready to take over your emotions. Trembling movements, cold sweat erupts, hallucinating visions, petrified actions, terrified. This powerless sensation makes you feel even more wicked, leading you to a conscious madness and taking you to a cruel despair. You wish you're dead and there's no will to suffer. This fear that you've created is the master of your emotions, your eyes are the mirror of your soul while the victimized personality possess you and begs to the Gods for mercy. You're alone and scared surrounded by dark and glowing gloomy eyes that want to eat your soul, you loose control of your muscles and the excremental needs are no longer controlled. You're drowned in shit and gasping for air, the blood in your veins pump and burst, you feel your heart right beneath your throat. The difficulties in controlling your breathing brings forth tears down your reddish eyes, the mucous secretions are expelled from your nose and ears along with drool that slips down your lips and chin. Skin, flesh, veins, nerves, organs and bones begun to melt forming a layer of organic mud. Still you're able to see the overwhelming beast called fear as the last image you get. You're squashed and your eyes pop!