
Crimson Throne


All hail the king
Of darkness
His reign of terror becomes complete
A liar's crown
Sits upon his brow
Blinding those who thought could see

All hail
The tyrant king
Bringing the world's destruction
This is so wrong to me
Yet it seems
The current social direction

The wrong direction

So behold the crimson throne
Upon which sits the king
Martyred himself
To save the world
And crush this darkened being

Truth flails
The tyrant king
Against the crimson lord
Crushed against
The mighty shield
And thrown out
Upon the sword

So fails the prince
Of darkness
He has no power over weak
Thrown in the pit
For the second death
The greatest failure of eternity

All hail
The crimson king
Bringing the world's salvation
This is a powerful truth
And it will be
The final prediction

The true prediction

So behold the crimson throne
Upon which sits the king
Martyred himself
To save the world
And crush this darkened being

The crimson throne

The crimson throne