I must go home by the way of the cross There is no other way but this I shall never get sight of the gates of light If the way of the cross I miss Daily I must follow and I must confess You provided only one way and the way of the cross is it The way of the cross leads home The way of the cross leads home It's sweet to know as I onward go The way of the cross leads home The way of the cross leads home The way of the cross leads home It's sweet to konw as I onward go The way of the cross leads home... The way of the cross I must go on in the blood sprinkled way The path that the saviour trod And if I ever climb to the heights sublime Where the soul is at home with God I will bid farewell to the way of the world To walk in it never more For my lord says, "come" and I seek my home Where he waits at the door The way of the cross leads home The way of the cross leads home It's sweet to know as I onward go The way of the cross leads home The way of the cross leads home The way of the cross leads home (Praise God from whom all blessings flow Praise him all creatures here below Praise him above ye heavenly host) The way of the cross leads home (Praise father, son and holy ghost) The way of the cross leads home The way of the cross leads home, leads home