Jules is acting strange For one thing Making us call him Jules When that's not his name I'm at his place With the invisible girl We paint her face 'Til she can face the world Jules and I get along When she's not here But she's bored with him now Scared she'll disappear If she doesn't keep moving And my worth needs proving, so Blue, cold and cruel Twin narcissus pools Your eyes are open I want so badly to be chosen Cuz this is something new A girl you can see through A girl who takes your shape A girl you can't escape The invisible girl The invisible girl The invisible girl Jules gets me alone Then he tells me I shoud be moving on But my worth needs proving, so Blue, cold and cruel Twin narcissus pools My eyes are open I want so badly to be chosen Cuz this is something new A girl you can see through A girl who takes your shape A girl you can't escape This is something new A girl you can see through A girl who takes your shape A girl you can't escape The invisible girl The invisible girl The invisible girl