Funny thing being out in the woods Normal food doesn't really keep too good The bread's moldy, milk's sour or powder And i can only eat so much canned clam chowder My favourite dinner was corn, rice, and ham Or maybe it was spam, you had to drain it from a can And leave the juice somewhere else for the wasps Every day i'd get exactly one can of pop When it was my turn to do the dishes I'd float the bowls in the ocean Feed the fishes while i rinsed them This one time i got distracted, sidetracked They all floated out and i couldn't get them back I tried with the boat hook, i tried throwing rocks At least i could sink them if they weren't going to stop And hopefully get them back when the tide's down Man, i was glad no one else was around But it turns out my family's watching from the cabin I walk back up, they all start laughing I still do the stupidest things sometimes It's nice to know that they don't really mind That it doesn't really matter Nothing ventured, nothing gained Nothing broken, dishes shattered Platter sank, no sink, no tv dinner Just spam from a can in the middle of winter Yeah, winter, yeah you know it must have been Otherwise i probably would've jumped right in But january water is particularly frigid Colder than a witch's tit or at least her digits So ditch it, because it doesn't really matter Nothing ventured, nothing gained Nothing broken, dishes shattered Platter sank, no sink, no tv dinner Spam from a can in the middle of winter Fry it up, we got that minute rice on boil We're down to food that'll never spoil