Green Steve

I Will Serve The Lord

Green Steve

There marches through the centuries
The martyrs of the cross
All those who choose to follow Christ
To suffer any loss
And though their journey led them
Through the shadow lands of death
The song of their commitment
They rehearsed with every breath

I will serve the Lord
I will serve the Lord, my God
And if God should choose, and my life I lose
Though my foe may slay me, I will serve the Lord

Uncertain days now echo back
That strong and urgent strain
To count the cost, take up the cross
And join in the refrain
For should our journey lead us
Through the shadow lands of death
May this be our hearts resolve
As long as we have breath


The honor and the privilege ours
With wounds we suffer by His side
And to the glory of the Lord
Those sacred scars
We bear with pride


Though my foe may slay me
I will serve the Lord