Green Steve

That's Where His Mercy Begins

Green Steve

Let me tell you about mercy
It led me to this land of grace.
Once I was homeless,
Ashamed to show my face.
I deserved no gift or favor
After all that I had done.
You've all heard my story, I am the
prodigal son.

And he wasn't surprised at where I had been;
He was waiting for me at the end of my sin.
And the heaven I found in the hell I was in,
That's where his mercy, That's where His mercy begins.

Let me share an invitation;
Come join me in this land of rest,
Where we trade our failures And
gain the Father's best.
Let us turn to Him together,
Leaving all our fears behind. The
Father knows your story. Its mercy you'll find.


I had run so far from him that all my hope was dying.
But when I finally turned for home, his mercy came and showed the way;
And he's never surprised at where we have been, He is waiting for us at the end
of our sins, and the heaven we find from the hell we've been in, that's where his mercy
that's where his mercy begins. 
Oh, that's where his mercy, that's where His mercy begins.
Sweet mercy. 
Thank you, thank you for mercy, your sweet mercy. 
Sweet mercy.