There's no one else who hears, no one else to listen when we call, who cares when we're crying. There's no one else who waits, no one else who promised to be here when our hearts fear. CHORUS I'll call on you, call when I�m in trouble, I will call whenever I despair. I'll call on you, watching and waiting, you alone will answer every prayer. There is no one else I can turn to; I will call on you. You're near to those who call, near to all who call on you in truth, who walk with you humbly. So purify my heart so that my request will reach your ear, then you'll draw near. CHORUS There is not a sound, no song as sweet, that reaches your mercy seat, reaches your mercy seat, I'll call on you, call when I'm in trouble, I will call whenever I despair. I'll call on you, watching and waiting, you alone will answer every prayer. There is no one else I can turn to. I will call, I will call on you, call on you. I will call on you, I will call on you