CHORUS There's a river ever flowing, wid'ning, never slowing and all who wade out in are swept away When it ends, where it's going, like the wind, no way of knowing until we answer the call to risk it all and enter in The river calls, we can't deny A step of faith is our reply We feel the spirit draw us in The water's swift We're forced to swim We're out of control and we go where he flows There's a river, ever flowing, wid'ning, never slowing, and all who made out in are swept away When it ends, where it's going, like the wind, no way of knowing, until we answer the call to risk it all and enter in Danger awaits at ev'ry turn We choose a course, we live and learn As we surrender to his will we're at peace but we're seldom still He is in control and we go where he flows CHORUS