Do you remember those midsummer nights at alderley edge? Initiated to the craft Skyclad and sword in hand you stood beneath a sea of stars Forever my high priestess Maxine, nocturnally, I still see you in my dreams Maxine, infernally, you have cast your curse on me Do you remember those four golden years in notting hill gate The book of shadows open wide You wore the Moon crown upon the grand sabbat of beltane The chalice to my athame Maxine, witch queen, priestess of the third degree Maxine, witch queen, hierophant of hecate Maxine I still remember you You were drawing down the Moon Maxine, nocturnally, I still see you in my dreams Maxine, eternally, will you ever set me free? Maxine, witch queen, priestess of the third degree Maxine, witch queen, hierophant of hecate Maxine