She looks like a toad She's flushed our school down the commode We've got to do something to stop her We know she's from the Ministry And that is the big problem, you see She has no clue what she is doing Umbridge is a fool She's the Ministy's tool Let's get her our of our school D.A. power! We're tired of hanging around This witch is getting us down We've got to get together & stop her She won't forget us now 'Cause we've turned her school upside down We hope our swamp stays there forever Umbridge is a fool She's the Ministy's tool Let's get her our of our school D.A. power! (hem hem) hem hem Hem Hem HEM HEM Umbridge is a fool She's the Ministy's tool Let's get her our of our school D.A. power! Give her hell from us Give her hell from us Give her hell from us Give her hell from us Give her hell from us Give her hell from us Give her hell from us Peeves