Great Vast Forest


Great Vast Forest


The night comes hiding the day
Awaking his hungries sons from the
Great Vast Forest
It´s the Wolvesclan
Warriors from the hate
Six south spirits ready to fight

The road was treched
Soon we´ll be a lot
Like a milenar imprecation
Nothing will stop us
To make the Evil rise

It´s time to rise the ancient glory
The fury and the guts of my clan
Awake forever in carnage
We´ll revenge ancient times

Wolvesclan-Blood by Honor
Wolvesclan-Supremacy and Pride

Listen to the howl in the night
Like hymn to the war when just
The moon sees our victory
In the Name of pagan noble god´s blood
Our clan will be forever

Nós somos a incarnação
Dos guerreiros de uma terra distante
As sombras que se levantam
O golpe mortal da espada
A fúria e o ódio eterno
O som do trovão que anuncia a tempestade