Great Big Sea

Ferryland Sealer

Great Big Sea

Tom: G

G       - 320033
Cadd9   - x32033
D       - xx0323
C       - x32010

As with many Great Big Sea songs, the trick is to master the strumming
patterns.  It is difficult to tab out strums, but listening to the song
is definetly the best way to go.  The Intro and first verse consists
mainly of hard downstrokes (listen to the song for guidance).
Note the little pull-off thing happening with the D in some places.
Watch it though ... the song really begins to pick up by verse 2 ...
This is one of the best bands I've ever heard ... and a great song! God
Bless you East Coast musicians - your music is fantastic!

Intro: (repeat the following 4 times, lyrics begin on final D of intro)

                   (...our schooner ...)
Em              D
G|----------------2----0---|---| 4 x
D|--2----2--------0----0--| |---

Verse 1: (hard downstokes)

              Em                          D
        Our Schooner and our sloop in Ferryland they do lie
              Em            G             D
        They're already rigged to be bound for the ice
              Em            G
        All you lads of the south ---- ern
(softly)        D                 C (arpegiate)
        We will have you to beware
(hard)        Em            G             D
        She's going to the ice in the spring of the year

Chorus: (hit each chord once hard)

              Em                D             Em     D      Em (begin strumming)
        Laddie whack fall the laddie, laddie whack fall the day

Em  G  Em  G  Em  G  Em  G

Verse 2: (as above but faster pace/more strumming)

              Em                                 D
        Our course be east north-east for two days and two nights
              Em               G              D
        Our captain he cried out 'boys look ahead for the ice!
              Em       G            D          Cadd9
        We hove her about standing in for the land
              Em            G              D
        twas in a few more hours we were firm in the jam

Chorus: (as above)

Em   G   Em   G

Verse 3: (as in verse 2)
        Our captain he cried out "come on boys lend a hand"
        Our cook he makes the breakfast and each man takes a dram
        With there bats in their hands it was earlye for the go
        Every man showed his action 'thout the missin' of a blow

Chorus: (as above)

Em   G   Em   G

Verse 4:
        Some were killin', some were scalpin, some were haulin' on board
        and some more they were firing and a-missin' of their loads
        in the dusk of the evening all hands in from the cold
        and we counted nine hundred fine scalps in the h ----old

        Em               D              Em             D

Pre-chorus to Bridge
        G           Cadd9      D
        G           Cadd9      D

                G                         Cadd9        D
        We're now off Cape Spear and in sight of Cape Broyle
                G                                 Cadd9         D
        We will dance - sing - carouse me boys in just a little while
                G                            Cadd9               D
        we'll soon enjoy the charms of our sweathearts and our friends

        (downstrokes and heavy palm muting for the following)
                   Em                               D
        But it will not be long b'fore we're down in the bend

Chorus: (strum throughout)
      Em                D             Em     D      Em (begin strumming)
        Laddie whack fall the laddie, laddie whack fall the day

Em   G   Em   G

Verse 5: (strum pattern follows verse 2-4)

             Em                          D
        Our Schooner and our sloop in Ferryland they do lie
              Em            G             D
        They're already rigged to be bound for the ice
              Em            G (once hard)
        All you lads of the south --------- ern

(as in verse 1)
        (softly)        D                 C (arpegiate)
                We will have you to beware
         (hard)       Em            G             D
                She's going to the ice in the spring of the year

chorus: (strum hard and fast)

              Em                D             Em     D      Em
        Laddie whack fall the laddie, laddie whack fall the day
                     D           Em      D     Em
        Fall the laddie, laddie whack fall the day
                     D           Em      D     Em
        Fall the laddie, laddie whack fall the day