A nation built on forgery Of enemies, subordinate to a racist antiquity Drafted in ignorance, an icon of blindness An eternal unworth Like sheep we're marched into line By they, the dogs, that feed off our hostilities And turn our rational hate into false distrust You can't win a war of mind games When your logic does not stand to reason You can't create a race of equals When they're divided by their equality So burn the treaty that relegates us To second-class peasants, serfs and pawns Every foul article; render them obsolete No longer benefactors to that which destroys us Burn the treaty Burn the treaty - fuck your lie Burn the treaty - may non-virtue die Burn the treaty - burty the scorn Burn the treaty - a land reborn Crime and punishment in retroactivity Absurdity, the underhanded trump hand For the ethnic-statist, the master grifter, the cultureless struggler Witness the vehemence in the frame of his form Anachronism betrayed two peoples Supposedly free men accountable to a ruthless injustice And imprisoned for the crime of being born Into a perpetual junket; a travesty of rationality Burn the treaty