Taste-test power's saline bait Lustless fuckfix; get off, pray Omnipotence by default Ideologise nothing Let the moment bear judgement Envy qua inspiration Denigrate that which will felicify you, bitch And sever parasites to case neurism's twitch Emaciated flesh brandished proudly among the best Of the grotesque vagrancy upon which your ethos rests Inviolate, spermless breed sanctificed eternally Herald the birth of the bloodied new decree The violent, rhythmic flow of rape explicitly innate In the hemorrhaging control of the vile to orchestrate Spoiled, a birth obscene No natural father would grieve At a sight so desperate Widowed, the surrogate There is no substitue for knowledge And I know I know Fine tepid sancturay in the squalid uterus A warm birthing hole where morality is the gun In stupor a disemboweling wrench from thieves The caesarean disencapsulates you and brings you to me For I know I know (that which underscores the rhythm of rape)