I shed a tear 
For every wrongful thought Ive had
I shed a tear 
For every thought consuming me 
My mind has become 
The weapon, the weapon
My plea 
This is a battle cry

I am the target, longing destruction
I am the target, longing corruption
I am the masses longing redemption

We are the murderers of our innocence
We are the massacre of our ignorance

And I find that when you 
Look at yourself in the mirror
The image reflected
Tells only lies

And I find that when you
Look at yourself in the mirror
The image reflected 
Is only a disguise

This sex, is complicated 
This sin, it is overrated
These scars speak of horror
Still we feed the need 
Deceiving ourselves with lust
Deceiving ourselves with greed

How do I find salvation when I cant neglect my sin
Could she know what she's truly done
Could my skin lie with the sins 

How do I right the wrong 
I have yet to speak a prayer
What do I tell these sheets 
What do I tell her love

Dance on, dance on
The partners dying
Dance on, dance on
Like a marionette

And I find that when you 
Look at yourself in the mirror
The image reflected
Tells only lies

And I find that when you
Look at yourself in the mirror
The image reflected 
Is only a disguise