For we had killed those ignorant ones Us creatures who burn by the light of the sun The last mortal this beautiful girl Bowed down from loss of light By the pleasuring of thy tongue For their was evil in our eyes For seeing darkness as the sweet Coldness in her heart that throbs And her orifice which every fullmoon bleeds Our love so pale rippling like the moonlight Come with me infernal one into the eternal night I now commence thee to the mark of the beast 666 As you taste the dark blood from thy immortal kiss Enriched with thy immortal gift, thy luscious countess For we are so evilish finding our own grace Slaughtering our enemy, laying to waste Those worthless fools Savagry, unholy matrimony we will arise as fellow pests Ripping apart celestial gloss and enslaving all the rest Seeking to destroy what is blessed My cold countess of the night Burning veins blackened From the lambs of the light She's giving me her soul's energy delight Severing her mortal coil from within The pain of loss, the coming of vanity, and the creation of blackened stems