


No wolf's howls and mute winds
Fog and the heavy sky above
The sea... waves...
Storn on the sea! Storm on Earth!

And I could hear the worlds!...
Closed eyes: black birds were quiet
As night of dark was cold
The fire of hundred torches burns

Burning in silence of unspoken words
And thrown pieces of magical bones
Runes of sand - ashes of crows
Revelation ritual began

I saw the light and darkness too
And I also saw screaming rivers of blood
Ballet of chaos of spears and swords
Symbols of power on banners at dwan

It wasn't tomorrow but a closer day
Day of death, of pain and victory
I saw myself and my comrades
And I also saw beheaded corpses

Of enemies of us and their ones
Greyness in their eyes... slience of night
And I also saw the sunrise
For the one, of the sun, of my folk

I saw the sound and heard the light
flutering were wings of sun
And the winds tongue were licking the grass
Carrying the damned souls of the damned

And cantos of gglory were sang
I wake from my transis and open my eyes
I can only see my ones
Happy and sovereign forever

Because the future has our colour
And eternity speaks our language
As immortality exists for our folk

(Lyrics by Garhard III)