I call upon thy name Lord of this earth The bornless one and dressed in mourning Who dwellest in the void I pledge allegiance Oh impetuous reaper Overflowing with poor and dying Thy kingdom made of bones Come thou forth with fire Together we depart the herd Crown this world with misery Hear my perpetual oath I stand devoid of faith I condemn the weakness Ready to immolate world upon world And travel from flame to flame Trampled the fools will be Yes, punisher of soul! The morn came and brought no day Apostasy at the sound of scourge Come thou forth with fire Together we depart the herd Crown this world with misery Hear my perpetual oath With blood I seal my pact Abrogation of mercy One whose mouth flameth I invoke thee! I stand devoid of faith I condemn the weakness Ready to immolate world upon world And travel from flame to flame Trampled the fools will be Yes, punisher of soul! The morn came and brought no day Apostasy at the sound of scourge Come thou forth with fire Together we depart the herd Crown this world with misery Hear my perpetual oath Woe to you, lambs of God I hear the fall of pillars The corner of the unfortunate I deliver you all fevers