The shadow of impure hangs over the host announcing the great blasphemy Consecrated sin in profane conjuration of the diabolical dogma The bread of life baptized in urine was transfixed by 6 nails The sacred communion perish in misery of the holy trinity Host desecration Redemption in filth Transubstantiation Eucharist in excrement and blood Servants of God, delivered to the goat, for the kiss of shame His feet was branded with the cross, they walk upon the gospel Unblessed woman, chalice of flesh, pour her impurities Virgin’s menstruation, the devil’s wine, over the psalms Host desecration Redemption in filth Transubstantiation Eucharist in excrement and blood Inverted divinity Infernal council I reject this body I reject this blood Putridum corpus Natum de meretrix Ave satana Ave antichriste