Grand Incredible

You Had Me At Hello

Grand Incredible

I think about you all the time and I can see so many things
That I admire but then I think that she could never want me
You're beautiful and there's sometimes I kind of lose my mind
I can't think straight and my heart aches
I wonder if you'd ever want me

I'm not so bad do you think you could want someone like me

Just set aside a little corner of yourself
No I don't need to cal it mine
I just hope time to time you think about me
And I wanted to ask you if maybe we'd be more than friends
But courage quails and confidence fails
The words refuse to pass my lips

I think with grace and with love we can work through anything
It's only God's love that conquers everything

Don't be afraid we won't rush in
I'll make sure that we take it slow
I think you know how badly I want do this correctly
And I can't help but smile each time you get upset with me yeah
I want you to challenge me but I can't help it if you're funny