Who the devil has that boy been calling? Hotel manager was such a sight Making moves with a plastic lover Runs about a thousand pounds a night Mr. Fickle with the passive finger Come on, baby, what you waiting for? My heart is on the blinkers I have your picture but I want more You're out of reach and I'm stuck in the USA I need to know that this is gonna go down my way Don't stop for breathing Leave it when you're older Listen to that devil on your shoulder Don't stop for reasons Be a little bolder Everybody's got their lovesick seasons I think I'm going into hibernation Pull the blankets up around my face Hold tight for information My hands are ready to take their place Mr. Fickle with the sticky fingers Come on, baby, what you waiting for? My heart is on the blinkers I hear your voice but I want more You're out of reach, I'm stuck in the USA When I get you this is gonna go down my way What are you wearing? I don't know