Grand Belial's Key

The Shitagogue

Grand Belial's Key

Shit paints the sides of the chosen edifice 
A goat is murdered to terrorize god 
Inhumane sympathy for anal palpitations 
Untamed methods of blood baptism 

In constant fear the female hideth 
A dirty gypsy in a land of crooks 
Her menstrual offerings stain the altar 
The legions hail the Teutonic sign 

Passover genocide 
Merciless fire 

Hounds of misery and infectious wounds 
Crippled pig fixed by a slew of silver spikes 
Web of misfortune and deceit 
Lord of the nomadic human pork 

Tyranny returns 
The synagogue burns 

Proselytes can't abstain from fucking 
Full of pus were the arteries of the elders 
Miscreants wage impious battle 
Christ bears not a single weapon 
His bones crushed by the hammer 
Then drowned at night in the morasses 

Satanic bullets destined to perforate 
The chosen people of ZOG 
Hordes of true Black Metal arsonists 
Roast the red fathers of the protocol