Gram Rabbit

Cowboys & Aliens

Gram Rabbit

Cowboys and aliens travel through time the wild, wild, west magic saucer ride.

Round-up, lasso, beam or probe, the eyeless leader is wearing a robe.

Home on the range or outer space everyone's breeding for the master race.

Lick-it-y banana spits getty-up, prehistoric land of the u.f.o.

Sergeant Martian pepper machine, miracle on 34 galaxies.

It's time for the dirty horse to take a bath; I'm making some wine from the grapes of wrath.

Cowboys and aliens midget porn; vegetable or animal candy corn; Belgium girls with scientific names playing their sexy reindeer games.

Milky Way 's not just a candy bar, any, any, anymore.

London bridge is falling down, space invaders in every town.

You better watch out cause gonna fall off the humpty dumpty wall.

It 's time for the dirty horse to take a bath; I'm making some wine from the grapes of wrath.

Do you wanna play? Do you wanna stay? Do you wanna play? We are.