Graham Parker

Partner For Life

Graham Parker

From china to chinatown new york to tokyo
Upstate to down island from here to there

From the backyard to the wide wide open spaces
From the steel mills to the wind in your hair
From the claustrophobic beat of my heart
To the openness of your smile
Were in this together going the distance
Right down to the last mile

Cos you're my partner, you are my partner
You're my partner for life

Up the coast of africa to the straits of gibraltar
Through that tunnel where the birds migrate
In a hotel room without running water
And all the clocks are running one hour late
And on the wall are paintings of couples intertwined
Locked in embraces as if fighting for their lives
And the warm night air breathes through the open window
And husbands cling to their wives


Well I know I know I know
Why it just has to be just has to be

Well l know l know l know why
Im with you and baby youre with me

Lets get out of here and drive up to the ocean
Out of the city and up the coast of maine
Feel the spray and the ancient motion
Watch the children in the sand watch them play
From the backyard to the wide wide open spaces
From the pounding of the surf
To the gentleness of your smile
Were in this together going the distance
Right down to the last mile