Nothing can be further removed, not everybody wants to be soothed ooooh They're out there now in their padded cells and armchairs Waiting for the nervous twitch that signals fear Hooked up to a cardiogram set up so it cuts out when you cry or laugh Worked by those who if you screw up treat you to a broken nose If you tap your toes Passive resistance! if it's not for them then it's not for you Passive resistance! where the only view is the right view Passive resistance! and it breaks my heart to know there's no heart involved Put the demographics away, the directors and consultants have the final say Hired in, take home all the ones who missed for souvenirs, for their kids to play Passive resistance! it's all programmed by programmers Passive resistance! you're just a nail underneath their hammers Passive resistance! and it breaks my heart to know there's no heart in them Nothing can be further removed, not everybody wants to be soothed Oooh they must be real, people that you never meet and never feel And they don't feel you Passive resistance! you get surveyed out of existence Passive resistance! just one in a million silent listeners Passive resistance! it's all programmed by programmers Passive resistance! you're just a nail underneath their hammers Passive resistance! and it breaks your heart To know there's no heart involved, involved, involved