Graham Parker

Ok Heironymous

Graham Parker

I break a heart in a thousand places, she makes a slur against other races
He rejects all of the unpretty faces, sticks them full of knives
I take a shot at birds flying south, he takes the gun barrel into his mouth
She takes a rope and ties up the house, with the kids inside
They just want to curl right up and die
Them and us are only passing by
Hey hieronymous i know where your garden grows
I know where your bloody roses bloom
Hey hieronymous tell me what delights there are
Right outside this window or inside this room
Just taste the odor of burning skin, the pitchfork tongues and the rot within
The torture victim's wiped-out grin nothing can erase
Somebody's pouring salt on a wound, scooping out monkey's brains with a spoon
Working on warfare up on the moon, that's the latest phase
We just want to curl right up and die
You and me are only passing by (chorus)(guitar solo)
Germans and turks and english nerks spew out of doorways going beserk
Inside of everyone someone lurks, they don't even know
Bring them all in, yeah, they're welcome here
You can't sell your work? then cut off your ear
Put it right on the table there, all tied up in bows