Graham Kendrick

The Way Is Open

Graham Kendrick

The way is open
All walls are broken
And we are welcome
In the holy place
Forgiven, accepted
Born of the spirit
In christ we're looking up
Into the father's face

The way is open
Jesus is risen
In highest heaven
Ascended, crowned
God's son our brother
Our priest forever
Now lives to plead for us
Before the father's throne

In christ we come
With confidence
By his shed blood
To seek his grace
And humbly worship

The way is open
Let earth be shaken
For now in union
With christ we pray
So may his longings
The spirit's yearnings
Be on our lips before
The father's throne of grace

The way is open
No condemnation
Now we can serve him
With conscience cleansed
Work with the father
By spirit's power
Looking to jesus
Our life, our way, our end