Ain't nothing like it This joy i'm feeling Ain't nothing like it What can i say? Ain't nothing like it My head is reeling Ain't nothing like This happy day Ain't nothing like it This wild experience Could not believe my Own ears and eyes I thought i'd died and i'd gone to heaven Ain't nothing like This big surprise Seemed like angels Jumped right out of heaven Landed dancing down here My head is ringing With choirs of angels singing Ain't nothing like This crazy day Ain't nothing like it The news they told us For us a saviour A baby boy Born in a stable The one we're looking for He must be heaven's pride & joy Joy, joy, joy So excited What a birthday party Hallelujah o yeah So delighted We have been invited To celebrate his happy day Rap: Listen up, listen up c'mon gather round like a flock...i've got good news for all so listen up round the don't be afraid why? your saviour's been deliver you with peace but release you from your let's rejoice, make a joyful noise, the ladies and the gentlemen, the girls and the boys...shouting "hallelujah" to the christ, your messiah...feel your spirit rise, let the joy take you higher, higher...glory to the baby in the manger...yo! don't turn away, don't treat him like a happy is the person who glorifies the son...(yo!) jesus, jesus he's the chosen one...(sing) Glory, hallelujah Heaven's peace and joy be to you Everything is alright now Let's sing it and shout it Tell the world about it Ain't nothing like This happy feeling Ain't nothing like this crazy day Come on and join this happy day