


I will not be silenced suffocated in their world infested by their malevolence (its all) embellished by their words the power of sustaining human ignorance is an implementation of their control the submission of our trust is once again misguided traped in their mold i will not be silenced consumed by the temptation paralized by the seduction influenced by the corruption the enbodiment of religious blasphemy is fuled by the sins of humanity the self inflicted crucifixtion (is forged) by the hell spawned prophets maledictions sometimes i feel that im hopeless helpless im always drowning in their programs their programs of supression our sanctity is destroyed as the inferno suffocates as the plague embraces us with haste incapacitating our innocence presenting us with the deliverence embedding us with their seed of evil paralizing our ability to see clear the manhunt will begin to end the wrath of the religious victimization to erradicate the mind nubing to cleanse ourselves the sirens will warn of our coming