Once upon the time i was the mightiest seraphim I brought the light and justice in the name of god All of the cherubs respected me for being the prince Until the creation of his son i've been the highest archangel Now this bastard shall be god's right hand And propagate his will So i fell for the first time from god's grace To become one of a myriad nameless cherubs During this time a new child grew up in me Her name is hate Together with like-minded cherubs i planned the rebellion To overthrow the throne of god But the divine weapons were more succesful... I find myself lying in an ocean of fire My wings are burned by hungry flames After the clash between the mightiest legions And the heavenly throne i fell for a second time But now into the glowing nothingness My feet are bound in chains of burning iron The darkest infernal leaders share my fate Ashamed of the defeat I ram my sword into the black stone And scream for revenge "you might have won a clash but not the war!!!" My rage's echo reaches the halls of god "one day i'll spread my wings and rise again!!!" The upcoming battle against the divine archangels Will mean their ultimate downfall I unite my legions again The black angels swords are raised Myriad eyes of embattled seraphim and cherubs, Once fallen and enslaved, are waiting for my sign A second time the weapons will strike to end the dominion of heaven Mountains will be displaced Worlds built in aeons are to be destroyed in one moment With our new weapons we will bring the lightworld's end The unbearable allmight of god and his son i'll stop with my scythe Then their impaled heads will decorate my pandaemonium The archangel's wings will be the ornaments of my coat of arms And my name will shake the worlds again Lucifer